Practice It Until You Become It

4 branch sprouts growing from a larger branch - small to large from left to right

Fake it until you make it never felt right to me.

Fake it until you become it is a definite improvement, but it still implies that you have to pretend to be something you’re not. Or trick yourself into thinking that you’re good enough.

Sometimes this works, but it can be painful. It’s a foundation made of sand because no matter how good you get, you’re always holding up the best version in your mind and comparing yourself to that. And so, it’s never good enough.

But, what if?

What if we gave ourselves and each other the space to grow? To be beginners. To make the journey without crushing judgments and burdensome expectations.

What if we valued practicing and becoming more than some arbitrary level of good enough?

That sounds like freedom, adventure, and joy to me.

Image: Canva Pro




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