
Morning sky with crescent moon and pink clouds

I’m grateful for waking up this morning
for the people I love
for the people that I love and have lost.

I’m grateful for the sunrises and sunsets
for the moon and the stars
for the longest, most beautiful fall I’ve experienced in years.

I’m grateful for friends and family that share this wild and wonderful life.

I’m grateful for the warmth of compassion that melts fear
for the joy of humor that lightens the weight of the world.

I’m grateful for people who educate and inspire
for people who show up to make the world a better place.

I’m grateful for connection and community
for living life together.

I’m grateful for a heart that beats
for a body that moves
for a mind that works pretty well most of the time.

I’m grateful for vivid colors and creativity
for the opportunity to grow and share.

I’m grateful for this life in all its beauty and pain.

I’m grateful for love.

Photo by Author


What’s Left


Practice It Until You Become It