Burdens in the Sand

Waves rolling onto the sand in front of a pastel sky

In her mind, she stood on the beach.

She felt the warm sand on her bare feet and the soft breeze on her face. The sound of breaking waves calmed her and called her home.

She knew in her bones that she belonged, but her arms were heavy. She gripped a large suitcase in each hand and held them tightly because she had no idea what else to do with them. Filled with the weight of the past, they tagged along everywhere, rarely recognized by others, but never far from her awareness.

Her heart ached for freedom from the fear and the pain, but still she held on.

Sometimes she felt irreparably broken, and yet — Hope. Grace. Love.

She channeled the unconditional love of her Gram. She felt it pure and present. The love of her husband. Her daughter. Her son. Her family and friends. A sense of overwhelming gratitude for the beauty of life.

She took a low, slow breath in, and as she exhaled, she lowered the burdens to the sand. The lightness surprised her. The freedom felt like the most natural thing in the world.

She began to walk toward the sea and soon she was running with lighthearted joy. As she dove into the water, she felt the love surround her and at once she knew it had been there all along.

Image: Canva Pro


The First Night of the Empty Nest